Saakshi Nagpal

Archive for the tag “dreams”

I am alive


How is 2013 going so far?

Presently, anything that I am crossing by is ‘new’ for me. With frequently changing cities apart from weather differences, I am occupied with cleaning, packing, moving, unpacking and then starting again with cleaning process these. Checking out my old notes on my first computer, I got a treasure, hidden in this old computer hard disk from nearly a decade.

My dad gifted me a computer , the one with big and bulky  white screen covered behind a screen guard, big CPU which required a decent cooling system in the room keyboard  with big keys

The Neil Diamond Collection

The Neil Diamond Collection (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

producing music every time you touch them (ouch !! touch-me-not beauties) on my birthday. I was in my primary school and thus my play time was for limited hours every evening. Those days I recall my motto was to listen new songs, improve my verbal English, learn using computer and speed up typing.  I came up with the solution, to play English songs on computer, open a notepad and start typing as the song play.

Here are the lyrics from a beautiful song written by Neil Diamond perfect for a fresh start of a brand new year dedicate to a great life , enjoy !!

I am alive

I am alive

Take a walk

You can hardly breathe the air

Look around

It’s a hard life everywhere

People talk

But they never really care

On the street

There is a feeling of despair

But everyday

There is a brand new baby on


There is a sun to keep you warm

Its alright, I am alive

Take of your life

What its got to give

I am alive


Look here

I am alive

I am alive

So , what are you waiting for gear up your energies, raise your chin , smile a bit , wear  bring-it-on attitude and chant ‘I am alive’

Be happy , Stay Blessed

Happy 2013


Happie Happy 2013


So we have survived the Mayan’s prophesy,  wow!  Feeling lucky and happy that we are back enjoying the benefit of uncertainty that life cunningly serves us , here are my this year’s resolutions .

a)      To spend first 90 min of my day to myself every day.

This is my wish for a long time. Now when I am married, I should act mature and more spiritual (something for my soul). I wish to spend the first 90 to 120 min (oh ! yeah I am lavish) every morning to do what I love to do. Be it dancing, listening music, reading a book, writing, cooking, walking or simply thinking. These minutes will be like charging my soul to maintain my super duper energy levels.

b)      To laugh for 10 min daily.

Weird? Recently I got plenty of compliments for my smile (blushing me J , I do lie , lol ). At times smile is the best gesture one can make. It has the same impact as to show a brave silence or as to acknowledge acceptance. Smile does look good on anyone’s face, but there are moments when we ask ourselves, ‘when  was the lastI laugh whole heartedly and how long?’  Laugh for 10 min daily is my this year must do task.

c)       To have a bit more empathy in my voice.  I have an habit of asking  feedback all the time over and over again , till the time I get to know how far I have achieved my objective ( I am obsessively goal oriented person). This is what I got, ‘add some empathy to your voice’. How m gonna do it , no idea , but sure I will cultivate this skill.

d)      To organize my wardrobe bi-weekly. (Pay attention its organize not re-organize) . Stacking and maintaining clothes is a big project for me. You are most welcome to my place and open my cupboard at any point of time on your own risk. For sure my neat image is gonna vanish in no seconds. So trying to be more organized this year . Wish me luck .

Along with these ,I am borrowing my last year resolutions (mentioned on my last year’s blog – Dusk (2011) and Dawn (2012) ) and carrying them for this year too which I was able to stick  for the most of the year.

e)      Write and Workout daily. (Notes to self – walking and a bit of dancing is not a workout !!)

I am done with my resolutions and hopeful of pushing myself to achieve them. I wish you all a happy, positive, stress free, eventful, loving and spiritual 2013.

Happy New Year

Happy New Year

Good Night 2012 … Welcome to a happie happie   2013 …

Stay blessed,



One Moment … One Life

Hie ,

One lIfe

One lIfe

I always wonder how one text, one song, one mistake, one lie, one word, one truth, and one person could change your mood in one moment.

Strange but it happens this way.

I wonder how happiness starts with one word, one joke, one text, one phone call, one song, one hug, one kiss , one look … and stops with one mistake !!

I wonder why it’s just one moment that holds the power to get attached or get detached ?

Why just one moment to decide either to make it or break it ?

Too much dependency on emotions , matters of heart ..  😦

But that’s what makes us feel alive.  Moment by moment we fall in love with life.

We move ahead.

We take decisions.

We react and then anticipate.

We hold our faith.

We create pleasant and self favorable myths.

We love. We live . We die.

I wonder how many of you can give a big shout out with me

I am in love with life .. I am alive . . .each moment and every moment


Being Confident – My learning from Toastmasters.

Hie ,

How are summers going ?? 🙂 🙂

Last week , I completed my Competent Communicator along with  Competent Leader certification from Toastmaster manuals. Happy me 🙂 , I am just 9 month old with this programme .

Below is my project 10 from Competent Communicator manual : Inspire your audience.

My dear fellow toastmasters, I still remember my first speech. Those who have given their Icebreaker will be experiencing a sweet smile on their face and those who are still planning to give will experience goosebumps. Mine was a bit different. I thought I was dead sitting on the chair waiting for my turn. Fortunately or unfortunately mine was the first. I gave my first speech at Area Level Humorous speech competition representing our club at Adobe systems  

Before the competition, when I was bothering myself with the questions like ‘Can I do it?’ ‘ What I will do if I go blank?’ ‘Do I have the confidence, that I can make it?’ Our Mr President come to me , and ask to volunteer for Vice President  Public Relations role.

I was like uhh !! you can’t do this to me. I am the kind of person, who can work till late will never crib but interacting with entire organization and always being upfront to create a buzz ., this is just not me. I am the person who needs to be dragged to parties and then needs  some solitude to regenuate. I am not a social butterfly.  Now I am grateful , for the confidence Mr President has shown in me. 

From that day till today, the club meetings are like  weekly lessons. Thank you for all your support and guidance through the journey of learning till date. I can feel the brand new me J within me.

Lets think again, aren’t those questions scary ? Most of us , including myself try avoiding such questions b’coz deep down we have some or the other kind of fear of unknown. It can be driving, swimming, singing, dancing, public speaking or socializing.

I fear of social gatherings, no please don’t take me as an introvert or something it’s an area where I just don’t feel comfortable.. Comfortable of mass?? NO may be lack of confidence to communicate with the strangers at a personal level. I am well read , well travelled ,  enough to carry on any conversation except stock exchange and cricket !! But still … ahh !! I just can’t do that. I literally get cold feet.  Being socially inactive, my motivation was at a decline.

Finally I took charge of myself, coz , I was sick of this feeling, it was always a herculean task to approach someone and say “ hello , whats up , how u doing ? “ .  One fine day, there was a circular in my mailbox asking nominations for membership of an internationally recognized public speaking and leadership club. I at once nominated, without giving second thought or even looking at the cost. I nominated myself. I never had stage fear. In fact  I was the head girl of my school, a regular figure on stage not only b’coz  my mom can see me and hear me performing but b’coz I love the feeling of being here on the podium and addressing people. I can give a dynamite presentation to a big audience, but I go insanely awkward in groups and specially when I have to initiate any conversation, so I joined the club to exploit myself. Exploit b’coz in my heart I was confident that I can do it. As they say ‘no pain no gain’ my moto was ‘ if it doesn’t torture, then it doesn’t matter’.

The fact that here in Toastmasters, there is no one to judge you  or score you , here we all learn in a mutually supportive, positive learning and non threatening  environment. This means fewer chances of embarrassment and also a good opportunity to interact and socialize. Now the fear of public humiliation did the trick. Result, I am here , regained the lost self esteem projecting the much desired confidence .

This was my part of story. But one question has the power to either make it or break it – Do you believe you have confidence?

They say change is the only constant thing in life. I believe Change is other definition of life. With my year long journey with Toastmasters, now I accept that change is the only truth of life. To accept the eternal truth, one needs to have confidence and confidence in plenty. The confidence should be like a solid, which even when challenged will never backed down. The confidence should be your armor against all odds.

So, from where will we get this confidence? And when we find it , will this confidence remain with us ?

It’s a myth that confidence is a state of mind which is built by a constant thinking. The fact is confidence is within you, it’s in your heart; it’s in your belief.  Confidence creates a positive vibe around us and spreads too.  Don’t tell me you don’t try certain dance steps from Dance India Dance at home , don’t tell me you stop yourself singing in bathroom, don’t tell me  you  don’t try your hands at your favorite cuisine at home. No matter how absurd you may have performed it gives you a certain sense of happiness and satisfaction. A feeling of being ‘too good’.    

So, clearly you have the desire, take a step forward show confidence in yourself and just do it. Who knows the world around you may feel proud of you.

You love to dance, dance with your friends, feel the spotlight on you. You love to sing, then why in confines of your bathroom, don’t you think that echo ruins the melody? Call your buddies for Sunday brunch, have fun , someone may like the food and ask for tips!! Try it out

Find confidence in whatever you love to do to overcome the fears you always desire. It may not be easy because in reality, the world behaves in such a way that makes a vicious cycle revolving 360-degree without any clue. You may have fought with your fears and gave a shot but in the end, found yourself back to same place.  It must be very hard.

Most importantly, it is your confidence that tells your true worth no matter where you are and what you might be doing. Confidence is a treasure which boosts our  morale and helps in keeping us focused towards our dream despite of all odds.

And if you are thinking how to retain this confidence (I know it’s fragile) ,then have a TEAR in your eye.

Try , Enact, Analyse , Reform.

As I have been practicing this via Toastmasters, though I will be completing CC this afternoon , I don’t want to stop now. For me the fun and learning has just begun! so having said that I am confident that  I have inspired you enough to come forward and present your icebreaker , what you all need is just the CONFIDENCE and let it oozes out from your pores.

Let me know your take on this.

Keep Talking,


The Expert Enough Manifesto

Image Source : Google Images


How lately have you experienced the power of your DREAMS??

Will you put efforts to DECODE them???

How long does a dream stay in your memory?

Do you feel inspiration comes from within oneself??????

Here is my experience with one Recurring DREAM which makes me feel motivated and full of confidence because I dared to DECODE it!!!

At the end of a busy day, after running to reach the office or in the evening making way through city traffic to get back home to their loved ones, all a mortal yearns for is a peaceful sleep. And here, after a  long stressful day (I say them fight-full day, coz to me  life is a battlefield where everyone is fighting for their survival) when I lay back on my cozy bed , sometimes,  in those dark , lonely , frightful nights , I see few blur horrendous reflections, may be just  created by my mind.

I ignore.

Then they used to come every other night, keeping me awake for all those time. I turn left and I turn right, but to no avail, they were still there. They kept haunting me, and as usual left me helpless.

I just try to shut my eyes, but can feel that with passing time they were growing incredibly high and powerful.

I fear.

Are these horrendous reflections from my subconscious memory?

Did they really happen sometime in my past?

Were they just nightmares?

I ask.

One night I spent studying them, as somewhere in my heart I believed that they were here to tell me something. Something that was very important for my course of life. These were the signs that may showcase my inner fear/weakness or may lead to my goal or may be lucky enough to crack complexities of my inner gratification. (I am wandering with loads of questions like this.)

I think.

The more I think about them, study them and understand them, the more they turned nicer to me. They now appear like a song, rather, a beautiful song to me. I do remember the melody but can’t recall the words, next morning.

I act.

My horrendous turned beautiful dream was now decoded, and then it never get repeated, ‘coz I understood its meaning and the purpose.

I learn.

For me they can be best described in these words (cited:  googlereads),

“ I am a song ,

Lyrics and a melody.

I deserve music and words,

To tell me what I am worth.

I deserve campfires at night,

Like the stars shinning bright.

I deserve a song……

If only I could write one.”

PS : Never let your memories greater than your dreams , they will only scare you.

Embracing the new

Sometimes people come into our life and we have a hitch that they were meant to be there, to serve some purpose, teach us a lesson, or to help figure out who we want to become. We never know who these people may be. May be a long-lost friend ‘friends’ via Facebook , or a stranger who seems to be always in a hurry each morning standing at the bus stop. But when we notice them, we know that very moment they will affect us in some profound way.

People we met and share success and downfall with, help to create who we are and we want to become.

Strange isn’t it?

When they love, they embrace us, when they hurt or betray, they teach us the importance of trust and hard meaning of being cautious. A moment of love, affection, and care make us calm,composed and confident. It fills our days with joy and happiness. A betrayal makes us cold,frustrated and shocked.

We humans are very sensitive yet we say we are strong and move on easily, knowing deep down that our emotions are fragile. Now, how we know that? We feel compelled to stay on a rigid pre – chosen path for our lives, even if we don’t want to. And why is it so? It revolves around our reclusiveness (which we generously say ‘self defense’), or simply we are afraid to experience something different from our routine.

Embracing the new in life is not about making unwise risks, but about taking chances for the quality of our lives. The new may not bring fame and fortune, but happiness we were longing for.

I read somewhere that people are like onions. Onions!!! Every now and then we have to peel off a layer to reveal a new facet of theirs’ , just to mention with every layer comes the tears , more importantly it adds a critical flavor to everything you do , if you do bad it will stink. Peeling an onion symbolizes new beginnings, afraid of tears but revealing a fresh new skin, ready to take onthe world!!

PS: Give every man thy ear but few thy voice. – Shakespeare.


Here goes a pic from my archives . Dated : December 23,2008



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