Saakshi Nagpal

Archive for the category “Just like that”

I am alive


How is 2013 going so far?

Presently, anything that I am crossing by is ‘new’ for me. With frequently changing cities apart from weather differences, I am occupied with cleaning, packing, moving, unpacking and then starting again with cleaning process these. Checking out my old notes on my first computer, I got a treasure, hidden in this old computer hard disk from nearly a decade.

My dad gifted me a computer , the one with big and bulky  white screen covered behind a screen guard, big CPU which required a decent cooling system in the room keyboard  with big keys

The Neil Diamond Collection

The Neil Diamond Collection (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

producing music every time you touch them (ouch !! touch-me-not beauties) on my birthday. I was in my primary school and thus my play time was for limited hours every evening. Those days I recall my motto was to listen new songs, improve my verbal English, learn using computer and speed up typing.  I came up with the solution, to play English songs on computer, open a notepad and start typing as the song play.

Here are the lyrics from a beautiful song written by Neil Diamond perfect for a fresh start of a brand new year dedicate to a great life , enjoy !!

I am alive

I am alive

Take a walk

You can hardly breathe the air

Look around

It’s a hard life everywhere

People talk

But they never really care

On the street

There is a feeling of despair

But everyday

There is a brand new baby on


There is a sun to keep you warm

Its alright, I am alive

Take of your life

What its got to give

I am alive


Look here

I am alive

I am alive

So , what are you waiting for gear up your energies, raise your chin , smile a bit , wear  bring-it-on attitude and chant ‘I am alive’

Be happy , Stay Blessed

Happy 2013


Happie Happy 2013


So we have survived the Mayan’s prophesy,  wow!  Feeling lucky and happy that we are back enjoying the benefit of uncertainty that life cunningly serves us , here are my this year’s resolutions .

a)      To spend first 90 min of my day to myself every day.

This is my wish for a long time. Now when I am married, I should act mature and more spiritual (something for my soul). I wish to spend the first 90 to 120 min (oh ! yeah I am lavish) every morning to do what I love to do. Be it dancing, listening music, reading a book, writing, cooking, walking or simply thinking. These minutes will be like charging my soul to maintain my super duper energy levels.

b)      To laugh for 10 min daily.

Weird? Recently I got plenty of compliments for my smile (blushing me J , I do lie , lol ). At times smile is the best gesture one can make. It has the same impact as to show a brave silence or as to acknowledge acceptance. Smile does look good on anyone’s face, but there are moments when we ask ourselves, ‘when  was the lastI laugh whole heartedly and how long?’  Laugh for 10 min daily is my this year must do task.

c)       To have a bit more empathy in my voice.  I have an habit of asking  feedback all the time over and over again , till the time I get to know how far I have achieved my objective ( I am obsessively goal oriented person). This is what I got, ‘add some empathy to your voice’. How m gonna do it , no idea , but sure I will cultivate this skill.

d)      To organize my wardrobe bi-weekly. (Pay attention its organize not re-organize) . Stacking and maintaining clothes is a big project for me. You are most welcome to my place and open my cupboard at any point of time on your own risk. For sure my neat image is gonna vanish in no seconds. So trying to be more organized this year . Wish me luck .

Along with these ,I am borrowing my last year resolutions (mentioned on my last year’s blog – Dusk (2011) and Dawn (2012) ) and carrying them for this year too which I was able to stick  for the most of the year.

e)      Write and Workout daily. (Notes to self – walking and a bit of dancing is not a workout !!)

I am done with my resolutions and hopeful of pushing myself to achieve them. I wish you all a happy, positive, stress free, eventful, loving and spiritual 2013.

Happy New Year

Happy New Year

Good Night 2012 … Welcome to a happie happie   2013 …

Stay blessed,



One Moment … One Life

Hie ,

One lIfe

One lIfe

I always wonder how one text, one song, one mistake, one lie, one word, one truth, and one person could change your mood in one moment.

Strange but it happens this way.

I wonder how happiness starts with one word, one joke, one text, one phone call, one song, one hug, one kiss , one look … and stops with one mistake !!

I wonder why it’s just one moment that holds the power to get attached or get detached ?

Why just one moment to decide either to make it or break it ?

Too much dependency on emotions , matters of heart ..  😦

But that’s what makes us feel alive.  Moment by moment we fall in love with life.

We move ahead.

We take decisions.

We react and then anticipate.

We hold our faith.

We create pleasant and self favorable myths.

We love. We live . We die.

I wonder how many of you can give a big shout out with me

I am in love with life .. I am alive . . .each moment and every moment


To a healthier better me – My birthday resolutions

I am a big big girl, in this big big world, its (any issue) not a big big thing, come on bring it on to me..

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday

Yeah , it’s my birthday week . he he he 🙂  I usually celebrate my birthday the whole week. So now that I have stepped on to the second quarter of my life , or to say I am crossing mid twenties/late twenties and rushing towards 30s  but instead of focusing on anti-ageing treatments to disguise my age , I am putting my energies to a very obvious thing that unfortunately I had been ignoring from long time.

Family, friends, long lost friends, colleagues, acquaintances, well wishers, everyone showed their immense love on my birthday. They wished me happiness, prosperity and good health. I have been saying this on my blogs over and over again, but yeh ! I am confessing even I have tendency to walk over it (bad bad girl). I am blessed I always get cooked ready to serve – excuses to put my health not on top priority.

Well, I’ll be honest; it’s not that I’m not capable of committing and following through – anything that I have decided for myself. I don’t bind myself with point to point resolutions, but it’s too easy to slip in my comfort zone crushing my all healthy thinking’s 😦 . I am going to experience a 360 degree turn soon in my life (keep guessing 😉 ) transitions have already started then why not fixing my health status.

Being a woman, I sincerely apologize; I am adding few more vanity (mind, body and soul) changes in my resolution cart.

Here I am  with my resolution cart :

  1. To take good care of my health

a)      Go for 30 min walk or meditation.

I love morning walks. I am sad I am not going for them due to all the stupid reasons I can think of. But from this morning, I am back in action.

b)      Will have proper 3 meals a day.

I am not going to try to have a proper diet, I can’t afford trying. I will do it.

c)      To have 6 hours of sleep a day.

I can see, people who know me smirking (and also those who can see the time of the post). I am an insomniac. This will be a fight but I want to win sleepily , else one day will come when I will be called as zombie . (Currently, they have termed as ghost)

d)     To take my medicines on time.

I am not that ill, that I have to take so many medicines daily. But whatever I need to take (multivitamins, calcium, iron tablets, pain killers etc etc) , I will have them on time. Already, placed a daily alarm.

e)      Start my day with lemon and honey in warm water.

Ya, ya I want to lose those stubborn inches. Do you know how bad it feels , when you have a Van Heusan dress in your wardrobe from last 11 months (price tag freshly enacted) and you try it every Saturday morning , just to say ‘I wish I could look better’ L

2. Do something that I love to.

I love to write. I love to dance. Writing and dancing is being in trance form for me. Need to come over my mood swings –  write/dance. Need to vent out my anger – write/dance. Need to express my happiness – write/dance. I know I am not regularly blogging but tweeting. I am trying to be active on blog again. Coming to dancing, what gratifies me – locked my room, dim lights , loud music dancing in front of mirror , just like that.

3. Crop the cribbings

I do sometimes crib, human tendency please don’t judge me. Thanks. Every day is a new day , every moment is a new moment, every situation is a new situation.. Face them , live them, embrace them. Life is a bed of roses but with some thorns. Once pinched by the thorn tip immediately turn to the softness of roses, don’t stay there and start cribbing the thorn , better to confine into the softness of roses.

4. Keep my wardrobe organized.

Don’t want to waste precious morning minutes in finding what to wear and then iron them , uff , I do need to fix this bad habit.

5. Not to say ‘I am busy’

There was a time, when friends always taunt me because I am always ‘busy’. Credits to last few weeks, I am actually busy (oops I said that , I am sorry).I am not liking this , feeling totally burn out. I am daily struggling to manage my just 24 hour day. The way I am moving with life (can’t dare to say growing with life) I feel I would never be free from schedule madness until I will be comfortable taking responsibility of ‘my time’. No one is going to beat me for declining meetings. Being busy is not cool !

So where does this list will leave me? I believe in results, I am sure I will be sticking to above mentioned resolutions (fingers crossed)

Life is short, though I wish to live 100 years. I want to make this life worth living every moment. No walking away from greatest life episodes. Not to miss any single moment to say thanks /sorry / love you. Do something that I am proud of , in my signature style.

Cheers, to a better , wiser, more organized, more energized, new freshen one more year older me … happie birthday 🙂

Thank you everyone, hugs and kisses. Stay Blessed


Keep expectations , Keep moving forward

Jhilmil loves to dress up in a feminine way, adjusting sari drapes and adoring herself in mirror.  She enjoys spicy Indian street food. . She longs for spending time with her childhood friend, Barfi. Though she is autistic but she is just like any regular girl.  She keeps her guards high. One fine day she experienced insecurity and jealousy from Shruti. Shruti is Barfi’s ex. She was expecting Barfi’s complete attention which now Shruti was sharing. She felt so bad, so  ignored andso  lonely that she left the place silently.

She was in love with Barfi.

Jhilmil and Barfi were childhood friends but what made her realize that she is in love with him ?

After Jhilmil left,  Barfi lost the zeal of life. He then realized he was in love with her. Why? Earlier he was trying to get rid of her. Now, she when is gone, what has changed? Why he have an urge to get her back in his life?

The beautiful adorable couple faced such separation because their expectations from each other did not meet. Does it look like most of the love stories today? Either they are maturing together or ruining their self because of ‘expectations’.

Our expectations determine whether we feel good or bad – happy or sad – content or angry – over whatever happens in our lives. They impact how we feel about our relationships, work, friends, and people we meet on the street, special days like holidays or birthdays and the world around us. Expectations set up the judge and jury on how we feel about our lives and ourselves. Our expectations are a ‘big deal’.

Some wise people have said, don’t keep expectations or keep them at minimal. It will only hurt you. But tell me, if you won’t expect anything from anyone, how will you cherish the gift you have in your kitty? How will you feel the precious love around you? We usually fight with friends, family and loved ones over various sensible and stupid reasons. Try digging out the nature of those arguments, you will find it’s always the difference in expectation level.  These are the relationships worth fighting for. These are the relationships worth keeping expectations for. If you don’t have dreams what are you going to live for?  Similarly If you don’t have expectations what are you going to achieve?

In any matrimonial alliance, the most common, initial and important question one stakeholder asks the other is ‘what are your expectations from this settlement?’

To determine the ‘big deal’ of our expectations, we have many unhealthy ways to try to meet them. Many struggle to fulfill them by pushing or controlling situations to fit into the mold already created. We may use manipulation, persuasion, passive aggression or intimidation (with anger or tears) to fill our expectations.

There are many different types of expectations that like approval, respect, attention, and love; validation of our good self, qualities and success; to have power or control on situations; to be taken care of by others and so on. If we didn’t receive them while growing up then it would impact our today’s expectations; whether we will receive them now or not. We may even unconsciously select or attract people to fill these types of expectations.

Many times we have expectations that are not reasonable or realistic, but that doesn’t mean that we are “bad” or demanding. It just means that we hope for things that, perhaps, we didn’t get at some time in our life.

Now, when I am entering in the 2nd quarter of life (oh yeah!! I expect myself to live 100 years. . . ) My mom’s expectations are changing, earlier she expected me to behave nicely, study well, speak in a polite cheerful way. Now she expect me to behave maturely, look into family issues, help her (read guide her) through various issue. etcetera. Her expectations are shaping me up to be the lady she has dreamed of me. She always wants me to go for higher studies, be independent and take my own decisions, because this is what she was expecting herself in her time.

Expectations define your relations.

For friendships, you might want to consider what you are looking for, and what do you want from a friend. How do you expect to handle conflict and communication with them? How are feelings and thoughts shared? How much trust do you have in your friendship? How much emotional dependency is ok?

For romantic relationships –  How do you define love and what do you expect from love? How do you approach problems and situations with your partner – as a team or independently and what does that do to your expectations?

When we can understand our expectations and where they come from, then we can begin to select those we wish to keep and begin to chuck out those that hold us back. We begin to gain more control and feel more content with our lives. Expectations give hope and excitement to our lives.  They give us the pushing factor to make them happen.

If I say ‘I wanna grow old with you’ I am expecting that you will be with me and I’ll do my best to hold you till eternity. Barfi had expectations from life, he wanted Jhilmil to be with him, he then made it happen.

Keep expectations, keep moving forward.


Why ? few things I don’t understand !


These days, I am bit lost …so many things going around that I can’t understand why? Needless to say in a random order, I am just confused 😐

  1. Who gives water to my bamboo plant (beautifully placed on my desk) every day? Who ever do so, I appreciate your help but please have mercy on it and do not fill water till top!
  2. Why women are the biggest enemy of women? Can even other women claim to understand women? Do we have to be Sherlock Holmes!
  3. Why the hell they have said – Rs 86 as a new poverty line in India? Insane !
  4. Why do we have a bad hair day on the day when we look pretty? 
  5. Why twitter make trends like Sonakshi Sinha’s forehead ? Dear twitter , you don’t have to behave like insensible evil brained Indian politician. Please. 
  6. I just don’t understand Stock market / mutual funds / credit cards – for me it would be better to invest in Gold/ PPF / Fixed Deposits / Infrastructure Bonds . I prepare a budget sheet , use debit card , I know I am old school ..but  this is how I manage to keep myself safe and secured 🙂 
  7. Hype created for ‘ Race for President’. The first person of India !! Instead of choosing any popular guy , can govt. select a person who is not just a pre programmed low efficient machine to sign papers. With no offence , I just want to make a point that , please don’t delay  few highly urgent and important decisions for exceptionally long years eg  Kasab , for what  ‘type of’ mercy they are waiting to take decision.  Hang him.                                                                                                                                                                                          We need a leader who has a sensible rational logical analytical mindset and capable to act. 
  8. Gender biasing , India is an orthodox country where women are considered as inferior , no matter  if they are educated &  independent ,even if our President is a women , we face loads of unwritten and unsaid DON’Ts.  almost every other day.   Okay ,  we are born and bought up  in such envt , but still can’t understand why  ??? 
  9. Why do women have mood swings? 
  10. When will I be able get rid of these dark circles? 
  11. Fascination of play station/android games . No points for guessing  – I don’t play. 
  12. Why do people lie , when they know that I am very much aware of their lying ?
  13. Why do I cry , when I can’t hold my anger ? Good for the other party , I just can’t shout or show tantrums ,I  remain silent and isolate in my den and at times cry … Notes to self – Improve and let it go. 
  14. Why didn’t Enrique replied to my tweets on his birthday 😥 
  15. Why did I left that awesome bag just because it was way to expensive at Janpath , last year ?  Women , I swear !

Well guys , I believe I won’t get answers to these WHYs and on a honest note , I don’t care much (except few). I am not frustrated , its just the phase I am going through (probably  bad luck days). Never mind.

How are you doing ?



When you are living alone …..

 My Project 4 Toastmasters Speech – Objective : How you say it ?

When you are living alone

Everyone has their own set of problems , like mother-in-law’s  bashing , metros running late , cribbing spouses /girlfriend / boyfriend , petrol prices rising , Mr  Dependable retiring from International Cricket , Clients draining your energy , Boss always asking for status , Figures on salary slips or the lack of it, post holi allergies , Lunch time and toastmasters meeting. Isn’t it?

  Well I am no exception; I narrate almost all of my problems with the starting line – When you are living alone. So with due apologies, I am cribbing again on this hot Friday afternoon.
Hello Everyone.

When you are living alone

 When you are living alone, you feel confident, brave, big girl, independent and cool among your peers. Were you thinking the same? OH please, it’s all rubbish. Nothing in reality is like this. If you are planning to live alone there are numbers of problems crossing your way. Don’t worry I won’t be requiring any tissues in between, as I said earlier, I am a big girl…. will manage.

 Just need your kind attention to this subject matter.

 1. Living alone means, there is no body to help you occasionally with morning tea or to wake you up in case you are running late.

2. On those epic days when you managed to get up at the crack of dawn and go for morning walk, you have to carry keys with you

3.   You have to do all the washing, cleaning, dishes and laundry by yourself. Trust me this ruthless society won’t let you breathe if they come to know about your maid, as per them I am of perfect marriageable age and I should excel in my home management training otherwise my future in-laws or my future husband will kick me out.

4. There will be no one to assure whether you are looking presentable or not before stepping out. You are forced to be dependent upon what’s app 🙂

5. Though you are organized and have a well decorated place, you may have a habit of throwing washed or to be washed clothes on the not so usable bean bag. Take my free advice; avoid this habit, just in case, friends drop by in the evening for a movie or coffee. Your neat – clean – sophisticated image will vanish at the first sight.

6. You have to keep extra cutlery and dish wares for the guests; and you have to clean them too.

7. The most irritated person in your life would be vegetable seller who  has a smirk, because you pointedly  pick quarter kg of onion – tomatoes , 2 capsicums, 4 cucumbers and request for a half cauliflower. If you happen to own a fridge, there would surely be a lemon which used to be an orange few weeks ago.

8. In case you are terrorized by lizards or rodents, God is the only one who is at your service only if you religiously remind Him this task every morning in your prayers. After all there is just one!

9. Demonstrating your responsible person, you have to be extra cautious while hanging your wet clothes out on terrace , if it rains or is there any hurricane , oh we have storms in Delhi NCR, then you have to put all the effort again.

10. If you have any sick feeling, book yourself some place either at one of your close friends or call someone to take you home at the earliest. Being alone and falling sick is the toughest trauma one needs to go through.

11. You are prone to take genuinely unplanned casual leaves due to some electrician, plumber sometimes carpenter too is visiting your place.

12. You are forced to give your office address to call all the posts , so nothing fishy can be done with your life , ah boring.

13. You are deprived of blaming and cursing your roommate for the huge electricity bill and that’s not fair.

 Now , if you  are still Home alone 1 , 2 and 3 fan you just had a sneak peak to what might come your way , one fine day , you wish to live alone.



Thank God it’s Friday

I was trying to open my eyes at wee hours of the beautiful Friday morning. I was at bliss!!

The sunbeams through window were brightening up the room. The moment, wow, it was so pure, sigh!!

I happily slid outside my warm blanket, put on the slippers and in next few seconds I was out at the terrace. Experiencing the divine feeling of something, which we, rather ignorantly, say – Good Morning.

Flashback: Thurs – Day and the Night

Not just as always, but slightly extra overloaded, pathetic, tiring day at work. The overlap UK and US hours or our Indian evening hours , which make me terribly think of myself as some local call center employee (with no intention to offend) rather than a busy IT professional. I am sick and tired, longing for a peaceful goodnight’s sleep.

 3 conference calls, 2 follow up calls, 1 team meeting , 3 project deliverables, 180 ingoing and outgoing e-mails , 7-8 chat windows , 6 personal calls , 5 cups coffee , no breakfast , lunch of a sparrow , one last crispy piece of spring role , few custom action failures , excel sheets with annoying macros (project reports, they say) , phone battery dying and crying for help (m gone deaf 😦), meeting invite for previous date (that was embarrassing), arrangements to rescue Holi celebrations, never going migraine and on and on …..This you call a day, which ends when you realize you are the last one on the floor. Leave; call it a day, now!!!

 There is one more element, a vital one – dinner. Veg Chinese Sizzler, with green mint dip. Loved it 🙂

Back home, hit the bed and I am dead. Needless to say, it was early A.M timings.

Back to Present: Friday Morning

 Leisure of a blissful, beautiful morning! I live on the top floor of this building with a terrace facing state highway and a park. Saw senior neighbors practicing yoga and chunk of ladies taking rounds of their morning walks, a kid washing the cars , some punctual professionals ready in their formal attire carrying their bags waiting at the bus stop, and a tree with long leaves of the shades of yellow and orange, scattered everywhere on the road, pavement, on the roof of cars and park. Strangely, I fell in love with this autumn feeling at this time of spring.

Back to my room, my bed, ohh , I am back to my laziness , zzzzzzz sleeping. The one I desired for.

 This time dawn seems to be a struggle, I woke up at P.M timings. Wondering why the alarm fails to bring me back from dead. Still in process of waking up , I made efforts to find my soul mate , that was supposed to be next to me , near my pillow. (Let me remind all, I call my mobile phone as my soul mate). He was almost dead. Oh, poor baby, more than me, he needed a life. I am a good host. I rushed to my desk, got the equipment, and put the soul mate to his ventilator. Wishing him speedy recovery, I made myself a big cup of green tea and start making my today’s To-Do list. (I am old-fashioned , paranoid, have this habit). Voila 🙂 🙂 🙂 , nothing, just one Toastmaster’s Meeting. Hurray !! 

Thank God it’s Friday.


Thank God it's Friday

Thank God it's Friday ; Image source - My work desktop screen shot.


 No deliverables, No Client Calls, No deadlines, ignoring the fact its 2nd of the month , no bills to pay , no , nothing.

 Yeah !!

Till now , it’s really been a Friday. I am enjoying , a bit sleepy , a bit tired but chirpy , bubbly playing with outlook , e-mails pouring in , e-mails shooting out. What more can I ask for, week long vacation approved , with few kind words of appreciation.

Yeah !! Fingers Crossed, I still have to travel back home , some 5 hrs road journey in a state roadways bus. I wish the rest of the day remains the same.

 As SRK would say “Din to abhi baki hai mere dost.”


 Love ,


Love is a sweet poison

Single and alone. You must be reading this article because you probably are either in love and bearing its sweet side effects or you are single and alone and reading this article to boost your self esteem. I am sorry, friends, this is rather something more like my unfortunate (read, forceful) love story.

I proudly say that I am single and I live alone. I am big girl 🙂  . But now, I doubt.

A stalker, or I must say the crazy lover is back in my life , the one who once allegedly ruined my birthday (demand at your own risk) is in love – hate – love relationship with me. If you forgot – that’s THE scary mouse.

I can’t believe, he is back!! buhuuuuuu ,can someone hear me crying. He must have read my previous posts where I was talking about love; and assumed that I needed someone by my side.

Trying his best to convince me, that it is okay, we both can share my studio apartment. He, obviously won’t be paying any rent, electricity bills (oh why would he, he is adaptable to environment, doesn’t own any mobile phone or laptop, and yuck, never shave!) , water bills (I wonder when he last had a bath)  etc etc. He is even confident, that this (he would be , wait , he is actually , my new roommate) will remain a secret from my landlord and there is no need to add his credentials on rent agreement. He promises me that he will be entirely dependent on whatever I will feed him , be it anything edible human food item , or my clothes/curtains/beddings etc . Finally he is signing up the deal, assuring me of a hidden bonus – hygiene factor. This is very simple, if he remains, oh I am so sorry, If he stays here, then I have to have clean my dishes before using them 😦

Do you guys think, he is successful in closing this deal? Nopes. I am in no mood to give up. I am fighter and this place belongs to me. Any outsider/refugee needs to go out, miles far away so that I can enjoy MY life, MY place peacefully. After all, I am working day-night, not just to earn some brown bread high on nutrition low on fat butter, but this serene place too. Experience, and probably some researches would say so, it is bit easier to find a job than a home.

Nothing derogatory, size does matter, It will be me who is going to rule, I can give a fight to a mouse. ( Can  I??? 😐 ) . My bad luck, I was a science student and studied Engineering, so can’t recall my biology lessons in school. It must be something like larger the heart the more someone is at risk of attack.

This someone, is me 😦

This mouse seems to be descendent of some fighter, or I should rather say a warrior! Whatever I do, he takes the game. Here comes the communication gap. He is trying to impress by surprising me, where as the truth is, I am more scared by such activities.

Current scenario, we are practically sharing my studio flat. When I am out at work, he enjoys his dive from the window to my bed, then to my side table and then lost . Lost because I am unable to find where else does he go afterwards. He do loves me (I can’t believe I am saying that ), he has never disturbed anything , my clothes are in good state , no itsy bitys bites (thankfully) and nothing is misplaced. When I am back , he obediently gets back into his hiding place and doesn’t bother me.

So , you must be wondering that what is making me so annoyed at him ? Tonight, he has a guest; one of his bulky macho type’s mouse2 has joined him. He (mouse2) is not aware of the rules and regulations we have silently agreed upon. He is too ugly. I apologize to animal welfare associations for insulting a little ( little !!!!) creature , but I am helpless.

Though I am still waiting for my yearly appraisal results and desperately waiting to know the incremented salary, no matter it’s being late , I tried to delight the mice couple  by treating them with  dropping extra amount of cheese on a big bread slice and topping it with oregano in the mouse trap and keeping rat kill cubes at all their hangout points in my flat. I know I am witty 🙂 . Hope they will help.

Mouse2  is jumping from bed to table , climbing curtains, playing hide-n-seek on my books rack , and here  I am  losing all my power and senses to rescue myself, sitting on  kitchen slab with the laptop to scribble the scariest night experience as my blog ,  keep an eye on his whereabouts (just to ensure , he stays away from me)and insanely screaming . I know I can be heard and disturbing my neighbors and security guard’s  power/beauty  sleep as they have knocked/phoned me to enquire , is everything alright ? ( I wish it could have been , I terribly need a goodnight’s sleep).

They are so lost in each other , playing and having such a good time , that they just forget  to have their yummy dinner and power packed sleep. Both are in a hyper active energetic mode, enjoying their night out.

Now, what shall I do ? Ahhh .. not done . Atleast have some human …errr… rat … nopes …. Living being’s perception , leave this innocent , sweet girl alone ! Leave my room , permanently !!

Do you think , my fighting and defending measures are good but this mice couple is superb ? Please consider this fact that I am scared of rodents and dogs to death. If you wish to lie, then do it decently 🙂

PS : Love is a sweet poison, that has the power to overrule the actual poison (rat kill) . Lesson of the day.

Hoping to remain single and happily live alone.



If you have some sympathies with me , then please share the story , spread the word, and help a sweet, innocent, scared to death girl.


5 types of men , women don’t like

Hi ,

Earlier I posted 5 types of women , men don’t like on new year eve (though I did find that on TOI website) , here is a follow-up to that. I believe , it’s an answer to men who irrationally categorize women.

Women , pull up your sleeves, here is our turn to corner men in 5 broad categories, that we HATE. Hope they will listen and learn.

Disclaimer : Nothing personal , no hard feelings for anyone 🙂 this is just a general view . Simply not my perspective !!

5 Types of men women hate

There might be ample qualities that make men irresistible. But women being the fairer sex have created certain stereotypes in men that they would never want to be seen with.

We list the most common kinds of men that women love to hate…

1. Thumbs down to dominant men : Gone are the days when a male dominated society used to be the way of life. So, if the next time you try to show your superiority in front of your girl, it might land you in a tight spot. Women prefer mates who’re recognized by their peers for their skills, abilities, and achievements – and not those who use coercive tactics to subordinate their rivals, reveals a new study.

2. Macho guys aren’t always lucky : A macho guy with an angry young man personality might look good on silver screen, but when it comes to real life, women aren’t game to hang around with macho dudes. A recent study claims that macho guys don’t always get the girls. The study further revealed that the most aggressive guys ended up with fewer wives and children.

3. Keep sex starved men at bay : Men are usually sexually more charged up. But when it comes to choosing a mate, women don’t opt for a sexually ravenous partner. This is maybe because for such men, sex is the top priority in the relationship whereas the woman continuously seeks love and romance, sans physical intimacy.

4. Chauvinism is out completely : Remember Bobby Deol’s chauvinistic character in Dostana, which was enough to drive his lady nuts. An excess of anything is bad. Women don’t find a chauvinistic man a great companion to spend the rest of their lives with.

5. Using slangs won’t take you anywhere : Using abusive lingo every time you indulge in a conversation might lend you a cool dude look cool in front of your male peers, but girls don’t want to hang around with a abusive man. Being too abusive and stressing on using slangs too often is a ‘turn off’ for today’s women.


So , ladies out there , what you say ?

Think , Spread, Aware , Discuss and Enjoy !!


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