Saakshi Nagpal

Archive for the tag “Shopping”

Ladies manifesto

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When you are living alone …..

 My Project 4 Toastmasters Speech – Objective : How you say it ?

When you are living alone

Everyone has their own set of problems , like mother-in-law’s  bashing , metros running late , cribbing spouses /girlfriend / boyfriend , petrol prices rising , Mr  Dependable retiring from International Cricket , Clients draining your energy , Boss always asking for status , Figures on salary slips or the lack of it, post holi allergies , Lunch time and toastmasters meeting. Isn’t it?

  Well I am no exception; I narrate almost all of my problems with the starting line – When you are living alone. So with due apologies, I am cribbing again on this hot Friday afternoon.
Hello Everyone.

When you are living alone

 When you are living alone, you feel confident, brave, big girl, independent and cool among your peers. Were you thinking the same? OH please, it’s all rubbish. Nothing in reality is like this. If you are planning to live alone there are numbers of problems crossing your way. Don’t worry I won’t be requiring any tissues in between, as I said earlier, I am a big girl…. will manage.

 Just need your kind attention to this subject matter.

 1. Living alone means, there is no body to help you occasionally with morning tea or to wake you up in case you are running late.

2. On those epic days when you managed to get up at the crack of dawn and go for morning walk, you have to carry keys with you

3.   You have to do all the washing, cleaning, dishes and laundry by yourself. Trust me this ruthless society won’t let you breathe if they come to know about your maid, as per them I am of perfect marriageable age and I should excel in my home management training otherwise my future in-laws or my future husband will kick me out.

4. There will be no one to assure whether you are looking presentable or not before stepping out. You are forced to be dependent upon what’s app 🙂

5. Though you are organized and have a well decorated place, you may have a habit of throwing washed or to be washed clothes on the not so usable bean bag. Take my free advice; avoid this habit, just in case, friends drop by in the evening for a movie or coffee. Your neat – clean – sophisticated image will vanish at the first sight.

6. You have to keep extra cutlery and dish wares for the guests; and you have to clean them too.

7. The most irritated person in your life would be vegetable seller who  has a smirk, because you pointedly  pick quarter kg of onion – tomatoes , 2 capsicums, 4 cucumbers and request for a half cauliflower. If you happen to own a fridge, there would surely be a lemon which used to be an orange few weeks ago.

8. In case you are terrorized by lizards or rodents, God is the only one who is at your service only if you religiously remind Him this task every morning in your prayers. After all there is just one!

9. Demonstrating your responsible person, you have to be extra cautious while hanging your wet clothes out on terrace , if it rains or is there any hurricane , oh we have storms in Delhi NCR, then you have to put all the effort again.

10. If you have any sick feeling, book yourself some place either at one of your close friends or call someone to take you home at the earliest. Being alone and falling sick is the toughest trauma one needs to go through.

11. You are prone to take genuinely unplanned casual leaves due to some electrician, plumber sometimes carpenter too is visiting your place.

12. You are forced to give your office address to call all the posts , so nothing fishy can be done with your life , ah boring.

13. You are deprived of blaming and cursing your roommate for the huge electricity bill and that’s not fair.

 Now , if you  are still Home alone 1 , 2 and 3 fan you just had a sneak peak to what might come your way , one fine day , you wish to live alone.



Expressions of love

Hey beautiful ladies out there , what’s up ?

Waiting for Valentine’s Day . It’s my favorite time of the year!

You can say, the unofficial holiday (everyone uses the stupidest of excuses to take a day off).    If you are in a relationship (or you have find someone to go out with ) then this Tuesday is your day  and if you are single (aka like me) then be ready to enjoy the PDAs  – public display of affection ,everywhere( with  no offense, it’s just a general view. )

Do you know how it feels to be single on the Valentine’s Day? Nothing bad actually, it’s awful, only  when I try to fill the void.  Well, is it written anywhere that V day is to love someone and to treat your partner with all your love ? (Only your partner, not you !!!)

Valentine’s Day is a day of exchanging flowers, cards, and loving sentiments punctuated with warm feelings of admiration, affection, and infatuation….. bla bla . True , but it looks good in romantic novels or movies only.

From years I have been celebrating it myself (I am my favorite, so in love with me ) going out for a movie , shopping or freaking out  for a city’s drive. Dressed up nicely, wearing my favorite perfume. All those years I did everything I need to please me.  This year, I want to make it special. Something that signifies the independent and oh so ever charming side of me (* Blush *Blush).  I need some strong expressions to celebrate the lovely and beautiful person in me.

Let me tell you a secret now :  Women LOVES jewellery (more than their wardrobe).  No matter how many of them we have, we still have undying fetish for more. ( I personally am old fashioned, so something like a cutesy heart necklace paired with a single red rose is so romantic. ) Behind every piece of jewellery there is an untold story.

So when I was searching jewellery to gift myself, one of my friends help me with this website.  : . You must check out for a lovely Indian collection. Expression’s Reflections of excellence,  has a vast collection of waistbands, key chain, earrings, rings, necklaces, pendent sets, armpits and bridal jewellery. Do you know ‘Jewellery takes people’s minds off the wrinkles’?

So by the time I select ‘the one’ for me (oh come on ! I am girl , deciding the one from such a beautiful and tempting collection , needs time. You will be wondering, why I am spending time for a fake jewellery ?

Let me tell you another secret: jewellery gives woman a good boost to their morale. I will always prefer a fake jewellery, not because that looks more real, but because I think I am sort of paranoid. I don’t want something around my neck that’s worth more than my head.

Here are plenty of options to have something unique. How about the keychains , for that royal Indian look ? They have some pretty ‘peacock‘ designs too. Or should I look at something in shells ? They look quite girls (perfect to hide your age and feel young from within 😉 ) here is one in white (serene !!)

Now , I could have choosen these waist bellts , if and only if I have a waist to die for ; like the one of Shilpa Shetty. Chick and Sexy !

I must thank Beyonce Knowles for her song ‘ Single Ladies’ that help me stumb

le upon the rings section.

Please help me friends , selecting a ring  I am confused  with these 3 .

Expressions - Reflections of Excellence

All the single ladies, If you like it , you should put a ring on it. !

Celebrate this valentine with all love and glitter that reflect your expressions well .

Love ,

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Embracing the new

Sometimes people come into our life and we have a hitch that they were meant to be there, to serve some purpose, teach us a lesson, or to help figure out who we want to become. We never know who these people may be. May be a long-lost friend ‘friends’ via Facebook , or a stranger who seems to be always in a hurry each morning standing at the bus stop. But when we notice them, we know that very moment they will affect us in some profound way.

People we met and share success and downfall with, help to create who we are and we want to become.

Strange isn’t it?

When they love, they embrace us, when they hurt or betray, they teach us the importance of trust and hard meaning of being cautious. A moment of love, affection, and care make us calm,composed and confident. It fills our days with joy and happiness. A betrayal makes us cold,frustrated and shocked.

We humans are very sensitive yet we say we are strong and move on easily, knowing deep down that our emotions are fragile. Now, how we know that? We feel compelled to stay on a rigid pre – chosen path for our lives, even if we don’t want to. And why is it so? It revolves around our reclusiveness (which we generously say ‘self defense’), or simply we are afraid to experience something different from our routine.

Embracing the new in life is not about making unwise risks, but about taking chances for the quality of our lives. The new may not bring fame and fortune, but happiness we were longing for.

I read somewhere that people are like onions. Onions!!! Every now and then we have to peel off a layer to reveal a new facet of theirs’ , just to mention with every layer comes the tears , more importantly it adds a critical flavor to everything you do , if you do bad it will stink. Peeling an onion symbolizes new beginnings, afraid of tears but revealing a fresh new skin, ready to take onthe world!!

PS: Give every man thy ear but few thy voice. – Shakespeare.

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